viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

Jose Martins Ribeiro - PEPE PEZ

Apenas come y bebe agua salada. Tiene 77 años. (en

Pasa mas tiempo en el mar que fuera. 
Trabaja como practico , pero lo hace sin barco ....lo hace nadando, brazada a brazada a razon de 12 km. diarios
Hace más de 50 años que no se lava ni se baña, salvo en el mar, claro.

No solo guia barcos , tambien es salvavidas humano. (habra salvado ya un centenar de personas en naufragios y tormentas

Al Noreste de Brasil se encuentra Atalaia, una hermosísima playa del puerto de Aracaju, la capital del Estado de Sergipe.

La gente disfruta de los últimos rayos de sol sentada en la terrazas y tomando unas heladísimas cervezas, algunos otros ya han empezado a cenar y saborean suculentas langostas de pata larga mientras otros más bailan improvisados pasos de lambada. Nadie se baña ya; en esta época del año las corrientes marinas son muy peligrosas y dicen que al anochecer merodean los tiburones.
De pronto, un abuelo surge de la línea de rompientes como si fuera James Bond, sale corriendo del agua, pasa por delante de los atónitos comedores de langosta y toma un autobús con dirección al centro. 

No tiene miedo a los tiburones , dice que cuando aparecen "me hago el muerto y la bestia sigue su camino" 
El fantasma se llama Zé Peixe algo así como Pepe pez y acaba de terminar su jornada laboral. José (Zé) Martins Ribeiro siempre va descalzo, incluso en la ciudad, y un calzón le sirve como único equipamiento de seguridad cuando abandona un buque, después de conducirlo sano y salvo a alta mar, y volver nadando durante kilómetros y kilómetros hasta alcanzar de nuevo la costa... Así es como afronta cada día su trabajo. 
A quienes realizan este tipo de trabajo, en Brasil se le conoce como prácticos y José (Zé), es el mas famoso de ellos.

Por radio se entera de la llegada de un nuevo barco a Aracaju y se pone de acuerdo con el capitán de la nave en esperarlo a tal o cual hora a la altura de una boya faro, que la marina brasileña mantiene 8 millas mar adentro (unos 12 kilómetros ), frente a la playa de Atalaia. Y hacia allí es que se lanza nadando con la tranquilidad que proporciona la rutina, este increíble hombre de 74 años. Cuando por fin alcanza el meeting point, trepa al artefacto flotante, se aferra a él y espera zarandeado por el oleaje que el mercante que solicitó sus servicios aparezca por el horizonte. Claro que, en ocasiones, llega con retraso... y entonces la cosa se pone fea; al menos, se pondría fe a para cualquier mortal en su sano juicio. Porque para Zé Peixe, en esos casos, la cosa sólo se pone incómoda. "He llegado a pasar noches enteras sentado en la boya", dice con naturalidad, "pero atado a un cabo", añade, como quitando importancia a la hazaña.
Cuando sube a bordo de un buque, en medio de cascos de protección, radioteléfonos y sistemas y navegación computarizados, Zé Peixer asemeja un cangrejo en una central nuclear. Lo primero que hacen los marineros es mirarle a los pies, para comprobar la veracidad de la leyenda: él siempre va descalzo.

Pero el momento cumbre, el espectáculo que esperan con ansiedad las tripulaciones de todos los navíos que zarpan del puerto de Aracaju tiene lugar en alta mar, fuera ya de los escollos y corrientes de la bocana. Zé Peixe se encarama a la estructura de hierro a estribor del puente de mando, a unos 15 metros del agua, y salta. Salta como un pez volador, con los brazos extendidos hacia atrás -para mantener el equilibrio y alejarme lo más posible del casco, al más puro estilo de los clavidistas de Acapulco.

En el océano, más que nadar, se abre paso furiosamente a través de las olas. Se orienta casi a ciegas; pocas veces mira hacia delante, hacia la costa. Porque no tiene tiempo. "Tengo que nadar sin parar ni un instante, de lo contrario jamás llegaría a tierra." Zé Peixe avanza con la cabeza siempre fuera del agua "para que no se metan las medusas en los ojos" y a un ritmo de trepidante: unas 2,000 brazadas por kilómetro.
Cuando le arrastra una mala corriente, tiene ante sí un maratón de 12 a 14 kilómetros. Pero eso, aunque molesta, no le desanima.
La evidente pasión por el agua de Zé Peixe viene de antiguo. Una vez, cuando tenía sólo 3 años, "me caí jugando al río Sergipe, y bueno parece que ahí me quede".
Con la marea baja- toda la ciudad apestaba a pescado- el pequeño Zé se dedicaba a recorrer las malolientes marismas recogiendo cangrejos para contribuir a la modesta economía familiar. Como niño prodigio ya era conocido por todo Sergipe a la tierna edad de 10 años: en 1937 un capitán de fragata le vio nadar por el puerto "como un animal de mares" y decidió bautizarle con el apodo de Zé Peixe. La voz se corrió y a Pepe Pez ya nunca nadie le llamó José Martins.

Y en cuanto a su costumbre de andar siempre descalzo, únicamente se permite una excepción: cuando va a misa. Los domingos pedalea en su vieja bicicleta hasta la catedral, vestido con su traje negro y las mangas de los pantalones arremangadas hasta las pantorrillas. 

Los dichosos zapatos, que han viajado en el transportín, sólo se los pone en el último momento, ya en las escaleras del templo. ¿Será que le molestan porque ha desarrollado membranas digitales en los pies, como las que tienen los patos?
En cuestiones de salud, Zé Peixe no conoce problemas. Es más, está como un toro, o mejor habría que decir, como un león marino. 
A sus 74 años, pesa 155 libras, ni mucho ni poco para un hombre de su estatura. Su piel, macerada durante décadas por el agua marina, parece como momificada: es tan dura, que ni siquiera los mosquitos consigues atravesarla con sus molestos picotazos.

Zé Peixe sigue viviendo en la casa, encalada de blanco, donde nació, apenas una cabañita de pescadores construida hace 150 años. Sobre una pared desconchada ha fijado con chincheta fotos de antiguos veleros como los que atracaban en su Aracaju del alma cuando era pequeño.
Ze es un hombre religiosoque reza con fervor y no falta los domingos a misa. 
 Los únicos muebles que posee, tres alacenas, también están llenos de recuerdos: recortes de prensa donde se mencionan sus hazañas y cartas de admiradores. En las fiestas patronales acompaña a los nadadores en la tradicional travesía de la gigantesca desembocadura del río Sergipe, y no resulta raro verle en el faro oteando con sus ojos de pájaro el horizonte en busca de embarcaciones zozobradas.
Querido y respetado por sus vecinos se ha hecho popular en varios programas de radio ...Hasta hay yates con su nombre.
Y así es la vida de este hombre ejemplar al que cariñosamente todos por aquellos lares conocen como Zé Peixe, "Pepe Pez"...
José Martins Ribeiro Nunes (5 January 1927 – 26 April 2012), also known as Zé Peixe or Joe Fish, had the profession of guiding ships safely into port. What stood out about him is that he swam to and from the ships, jumping heights of more than 40 meters (130 ft) and swimming about 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) a day.
José was a native from Aracaju, Brazil, where he practiced his profession from 1947.

Un práctico singular: José Martins Rubeiro

        La revista brasileña “Embarque do Práctico” (marzo/julio de 1999) reprodujo de la alemana “Stern” el reportaje titulado “Zé Peixe” (José Pez) que por su originalidad resumimos a continuación.
        Sergipe es uno de los veintisiete estados o territorios en que se divide Brasil. Situado al noreste del país, su capital Aracajú con más de 300.000 habitantes, cuenta con un puerto en el Océano Atlántico que sigue manteniendo una notable actividad con no pocas dificultades en las operaciones de entrada y salida de los barcos.
        Cuenta con el servicio de prácticos más modesto de Brasil, con tres profesionales, agrupados en una cooperativa. Ni siquiera disponen de una lancha que les lleve hasta los navíos que solicitan sus servicios, viéndose obligados a alquilar barcos dedicados a la pesca.
        Pero el más singular de los “prácticos” es José Martins Ribeiro Nunes (1926) conocido como el “hombre pez”. Constituye toda una leyenda en aquellos parajes donde lleva más de 50 años desempeñando este oficio. A pesar de tan dilatada vida laboral no ha conseguido salir de la pobreza, al menos relativa, sintiéndose muy orgulloso sobre todo por las dos condecoracines concedidas por el salvamento de navíos en serias dificultades.
        La revista Stern señala “José Martins queda por radio con uno de los grandes cargueros en encontrarse en una boya de la marina brasileña a 12 km. de la playa de Atalaia Dumpei, hasta donde acude nadando a esperar la llegada del barco. A veces tiene que aguardar toda la noche al retrasarse la arribada de la embarcación. Sube a bordo y semidesnudo ayuda al capitán, trabajando como un alucinado según Veja la conocida publicación brasileña, hasta atracar el buque en los muelles del puerto”.
        Cuando los barcos abandonan Aracajú “el hombre pez” les acompaña por el canal hasta alta mar”. Un momento de gran espectación es cuando salta al agua como un pez volador con los brazos extendidos para volver nadando a una de las playas de la costa según la dirección y fuerza de las corrientes. Por esta circunstancia siempre sale de casa con unas monedas que lleva en un saquito atado a la cintura y que utiliza para pagar el medio de transporte cuando se aleja mucho de su domicilio.
Remolcador Un remolcador recibe el cabo de un buque.(Foto de Javier Carballo).
        José Martins “nada a unas 2.000 brazadas por kilómetro con la cabeza sobre el agua para que las medusas no puedan alcanzar sus ojos. No tiene miedo a los tiburones que a veces saltan a su alrededor, considerando mucho más peligroso al cazón porque apenas ve y ataca todo lo que se le pone delante, hasta neumáticos de coches”.
        Este hombre que pesa unos 58 kg. y tiene la piel extraordinariamente endurecida, vive en una sencilla casa construida hace 150 años. En realidad es un héroe popular al que dan un trato de excelencia, aunque solo se calza para ir a misa. Es frecuente que pongan su nombre a yates, habiendo concedido numerosas entrevistas a la prensa escrita y a la televisión.
        En 1.937 le vio nadar un capitán de fragata diciendo que lo hacía “como un pez de los mares” llamándosele entonces por primera vez “Ze peixe”. El capitán de Porto Vinicius manifestó que “sólo nace uno como él (refiriéndose a José Martins) cada centenas de años”.
Pasajes Entrada de un buque en el puerto de Pasajes. Dos remolcadores facilitan la operación.(Foto de Javier Carballo).
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lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Sunyogi Umasankar:Becoming Food-free through Sun Yoga

Swamiji and the Discovery of Sunyoga (Written in november 2000) Sunyogi Umasankar was born into a Hindu family in West Bengal, near Calcutta in 1967.

Living next to an ashram throughout his childhood, he developed an early interest in Yoga and religion. By the age of eighteen, having spent a large proportion of his life practicing Yoga, he made the decision to dedicate part of his life to walking through every state of India spreading the message of ‘Universal Unity, Peace and Brotherhood’.

Although his spiritual training is from a Hindu background, Umasankar-ji’s message has always been directed at people of all religions.

His ideas are based on a religion of humanity that makes no distinction between colour, race or religion… a path for all mankind with a common goal that is unity, peace and brotherhood. Umasankar-ji’s journey through India did not start until 1997. For two years prior to his journey Umasankar-ji stayed in Aurobindo assram in Pondicherry practicing Yoga and making many important discoveries. The most important of his discoveries was ‘Sunyoga’.

Very little is known about Sunyoga; it is briefly mentioned in some of the ancient Indian scriptures, but at the time of Umasankar-ji’s discovery, only one other person (Hira Ratan Manek) was known to be practicing it in the modern world. Now, five years later, there are an estimated 10,000 people throughout India practicing Sunyoga, taught by Umasankar-ji on his travels.

Sun Yogi Umasankar Pondicherry is on the coast of south east India, looking over the Bay of Bengal. During his time at the ashram, Umasankar-ji spent every morning meditating on a rock looking out at the sun’s reflection off the sea. His daily meditation upon the reflected sunlight gave him great pleasure, but at this time he did not consider it to be a form of Yoga.

As he continued though, Umasankar-ji became aware that, through this method of meditation, he was somehow able to absorb powerful energies from the sun’s rays. Umasankar-ji began to experiment by looking directly at the sun – initially as it was rising, then day by day he began to concentrate on it as it rose higher into the sky. He continued his meditation and after a couple of months the sun started to appear as a “clear hazy ring with soft blue sky inside”.

The harsh brightness disappeared and he felt it become increasingly soothing. As time went on, he started to see “seven bright colours radiating from the sun, slowly reaching closer to the ground”.

Three months after starting his concentration on the sun, Umasankar-ji felt these rays – the sun’s cosmic energy – touch his body, creating within him an undescribable feeling of peace and calm.

Shortly after this experience, Umasankar-ji returned to the ashram to eat his usual food, but he found that he was unable to digest his simple plate of chapatis. His body rejected the food, yet he felt that he was fully nourished.

 During his three month period of concentrating on the sun, Umasankar-ji had developed a great interest in the way that trees and plants are able to receive energy directly from sunlight. His discoveries now made him believe that he had found a way of absorbing the sun’s energy directly into his body, charging his body’s cells with kinetic energy and therefore removing the need to eat food.

So, as an experiment, Umasankar-ji stopped eating breakfast and continued concentrating on the sun. Six months later, he stopped eating his dinner, then six months after that, he stopped eating food at all. From the 17th August until the 7th December 1996, Umasankar-ji stopped eating and sleeping altogether.

His body weight remained the same and he continued his daily routine working in the assram in a perfect state of health. Shortly after this period of his life, he began his journey through India teaching his discoveries to people he met along the way. During his travels, he has become a source of great interest to a number of scientific and medical research centres where he had his claims tested, examined and verified – at least up to the level of sophistication that modern scientific instruments are capable of reaching.

Photograph Meditation

To practise photograph meditation, first you need a photograph of your own face with open eyes, not smaller than 12 x 10 cm. The photograph should be placed in front of you at the same height as your eyes, approximately 3 to 6 feet away, so that you can focus clearly on your open eyes in the photograph.

Sitting in a comfortable posture, preferably in padmasana, sidhyasana or gomukasana , making sure that your spine is straight and relaxed, start looking at your two eyes in the photograph. Keep your eyes open and try not to blink, focus all your attention on the two eyes, and begin to calm your mind. Remain staring at the photograph, and do not shift your position. You should try to sit for a minimum of half an hour.

As your concentration develops, the eyes will become more clear and the rest of the face may seem to disappear or become out of focus. This is a good sign. Do not lose your concentration... allow yourself to sink deeper into the experience. Many people at this stage may feel uncomfortable or some fear. Do not worry, this is a sign that you are releasing negativity from a subconscious level. If you continue your concentration, then any negative feelings will disappear.

Once your concentration is fixed on two eyes, shift your focus to a single eye. Concentrating on one eye, continue calming the mind and observe the feelings that may arise in your body. The more calm your mind, the deeper you can go into the experience. At the beginning stage it is likely that many thoughts will enter your mind, disturbing your concentration. Don't worry, bring your attention back to the photograph, and allow your mind to relax and settle. Gradually the thought process will slow down and you will sink deeper into the meditation.

When your concentration is fixed on one eye, then narrow your focus onto just the pupil. ontinue the process. Once you have reached a certain level of concentration, you will see a point of bright light on the pupil. This light is a signal that you have achieved a high level of mind control, and that you have reached the start of the fourth stage, which is pranayama

Once the sadhak has reached this level, he/she will be able to safely practise pranayama breathing exercises (before reaching this stage, certain pranayama breathing exercises can be harmful). These breathing exercises will take place of their own accord with little effort from the sadhak, and will ultimately lead towards samadhi, the final stage of yoga at which point the soul will unite with the supreme soul.

Having discovered and fixed one's attention on the bright light on the pupil, the sadhak has completed the photograph meditation stage and is ready to move on to sunyoga.

Eye to Eye Meditation

Eye to eye meditation is practiced in exactly the same way as photograph meditation (as described in the previous section), except that instead of looking at your own photograph, you sit opposite a partner and look into his/her yes.

This can be very useful when there is no photograph available, or if you are organising a mass-meditation. The principles are exactly the same as in photograph meditation, i.e. focusing on both eyes, then on a single eye, then on just the pupil. Through this technique you can also discover the bright point of light that signifies the start of the pranayama stage, as described in the photograph meditation page.

Sun Meditation

To practice sun meditation, beginners should start by looking at the rising sun early in the morning. You can also look at the setting sun, but it is not as effective as at sunrise because the energy is decreasing.

If you feel any trouble gazing directly at the sun, you should focus your gaze a short distance above the sun. Try not to blink, but if you feel discomfort, blink several times, then start again. If you do this three of four times, your resistance power will be increased and it will be easy to look at the sun. Then, we can gradually increase the time that we gaze at the sun.

Beginners should start looking each day for a short period, then day by day increase the amount of time so that the eyes can gradually adapt without any harm. It is very important to maintain regular practice, as it will allow your eyes to adapt properly. Some people may experience problems in the first few days, sometimes headaches or burning sensations in the eyes, or a 'sunspot' that affects your vision. This is quite normal, and the only way to overcome these problems is to continue practising. It is similar to any physical exertion that may cause stiffness or pain; it does not last long, and it is best removed by continuing the exercise.

When you can continue staring at the sun for ten minutes, the sun will seem to disappear. The inside of the sun will appear as blue sky surrounded by a ring of light, it will sometimes appear as two suns, sometimes rotating clockwise or anticlockwise. As your concentration develops and you can gaze at the sun for longer, you will be able to see a 'black spot' in the middle of the sun. Sometimes this black spot will be bigger, at other times smaller. After practice, the black spot will remained fixed in one place. Suddenly, from this black hole, seven colours will emerge and move around the sun, sometimes clockwise, sometimes anti-clockwise. As your concentration increases, a powerful beam of light will come from the sun towards your body. In the beginning this beam of light will not touch the body, it will come towards you and then retreat back to the sun. Eventually, as your concentration improves, this light will touch your body and you will attain complete thoughtless condition. This is the start of the pratyaharam stage, and indicates the beginning of Sunyoga experience.

After being touched by this light, a vibration will start from the heart, allowing us to control three negativities; shame, hatred and fear. With regular practice this vibration will increase and you will be able to gain control over five more negativities; anger, greed, narrow attraction, ego & jealousy. As the vibration increases you will be able to control sexual desire and lust. At this point, the pratyaharam stage is complete.

The next step, as the inner vibration increases and extends from the muladhara chakra at the base of the spine to the sahasradhara chakra at the top of the head. This is the dharana stage.

As the inner vibration develops, we'll discover that there are two more chakras, one above the head called the dhayana chakra and one below the body called the dhyanrodhak chakra. At this point, we will be able to hear a sound, which some people call AUM, others have called AMEN, while others have called it ALAM. We can then receive divine messages from the universe.

Next the sadhak will experience sahaja samadhi during which he will be able to see a bright light, inside of which there will be a beautiful structure. This is the atmadarsanam stage, the 'who am I' stage, the sadaguru stage, the mukha stage. At that time the sadhak will feel, 'I know him but i have never seen' because it has always been within... our sagunabramha structure. This marks the completion of the dhyana stage.

The final stage is nirvikalpa samadhi, at which point a further two chakras are discovered, one above the dhyana chakra called the samadhi chakra, and one below the dhayanarodhak chakra called the samadhirodhak chakra. Our mental force will be more than gravitational force, our soul will leave the body and unite with the supreme soul.

The Thirteen Stages of Sunyoga
1. Conquer all material desires.
(Sexuality, anger, greed, narrow-mindedness, ego & jealousy, shame, hatred and fear).
Related chakras: Anahata, Vishuhda, Agna, Monipur, Swadhisthan.
Related subtle body: Pratyahar body.
2. Develop Divine Energy.
Related chakra: Sahasrar & Muladhar.
Related subtle body: Dharana body.
3. Atma Darsanam - Discovery of Atma, the soul.
Related chakra: dhyana & dhyanarodhak.
Related subtle body: dhyana body.
4. Samadhi - Enlightenment.
Related chakra: samdhi & samadhirodhak.
Related subtle body: samadhi body.
5. Conquer hunger.
Related chakra: amrit chakra & amritrodhak.
Related subtle body: Amrit body.
6. Conquer thirst.
Related chakra: Jivanmukta chakra &jivanmuktarodhak chakra.
Subtle body: Jivanmukta body.
7. Conquer diseases.
Related chakra: rogamukta chakra & rogamuktarodhak chakra.
Subtle body:rogamukta subtle body.
8. Paramahansa - Adjusting the mind to all situations.
Related chakra: paramahansa chakra & paramahansarodhak chakra.
Subtle body: paramahansa body.
9. Having no enemies - all enemies will be friends (including animals).
Related chakra: chaityana chakra and chaityanarodhak chakra.
Subtle body: chaityana body.
10. Longetivity (this happens when the body's vibration becomes the same as the environment's).
Related chakra:amar chakra and amarrodhak chakra.
Subtle body: amar body.
11. The body's vibration and earth's vibration will be equal.
Related chakras: Grahanusama chakra &Grahanusamarodhak chakra.
Subtle body: Grahanusama body.
12. The body's vibration and sun's vibration will be equal.
Related chakras: nakhatranusama chakra and nakhatranusamarodhak chakra.
Subtle body:nakhatranusama body.
13. The body's vibration and the vibration of the Universe (Supreme Soul) vibration will be equal.
Related chakras: brahmbhandanusama chakra & brahmbhandanusamarodhak chakra.
Subtle body: brahmbhandanusama body.

Comparison between Sungazing and Sunyoga

Sungazing Sunyoga
Teacher Hira Ratan Manek Sunyogi Umasankar
Goal Quiet Mind, Positive Emotion, Healthy Body Enlightenment, harmonization of man with the micro- & macrocosm, and beyond
Side effects Heart opening Quiet Mind, Positive Emotion, Healthy Body, heart opening, Kundalini awakening, natural pranayama, siddhis and more
Duration At least 9 months Unpredictable. Enlightenment can occur after only a few practice times.
Practice Beginning at 10 sec; 10 sec daily be added Beginning at 1 h, but less possible; period at your own choice
Energy intake Looking directly into the sun necessary Solar energy is absorbed by the eye, but by a special technique to protect the retina; looking directly into the sun is possible
Suntime Possible in the first and last hour of sunshine Possible at all times; for beginners morning sun is recommended, noon sun for advanced practitioners
Alternative meditations or to prepare - Eye-to-Eye and Photomeditation
Difficulty Easy to practise Easy to practise
Availability Can be learned online Can only be learned live at a workshop or by an experienced practitioner
Other sources Book „Sungazing“ (german) Two books upcoming
Homepage englisch:
More websites available in other languages
More websites available in other languages

Created by Stefan Stecker

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domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

Anne-Dominique Bindschedler: Francia - Balance through a Pranarian Lifestyle


Tél : 04 93 59 26 33
Profession : Psychotherapies
 Thérapeute, animatrice et initiatrice en Reiki depuis 1970, psychomotricienne diplômée de l’Université de Genève, a travaillé en Suisse en hôpital psychiatrique.
Elle a été formée à la psychologie biodynamique par Gerda Boyesen à Londres, Eva Reich à Paris, au Rebirth par Léonard Orr, à la médiation intensive par Jacques de Panafieu et à la méthode Simonton par Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger et le Docteur Simonton.
Elle a été initiée au 1er et 2ème degrés du Reiki par Fran Brown, septième Maître Reiki aux Etats-Unis, initiée elle-même par le grand Maître de Reiki, Madame Takata, selon la tradition du Docteur Usui.
Après avoir pendant sept années pratiqué le Reiki et assisté Fran Brown dans ses stages en France, elle a été initiée au degré de Maître par Don Alexander Riches qui fut moine bouddhiste en Thaïlande et a une connaissance approfondie de la signification des symboles.
Elle a été une des premières à introduire le Reiki en France en 1984 et l’enseigne dans la tradition la plus pure, respectant les symboles originaux du Docteur Usul, Créateur du Reiki.
Elle participe à la création de la Fondation Reiki, dont le but est de préserver la tradition. Depuis elle consacre l’essentiel de son temps à enseigner de par le monde. Elle travaille dans le privé et dans le public : à l’éducation nationale, en milieu hospitalier dans le domaine social ainsi qu’en entreprise. Elle prépare actuellement un diplôme de relations humaines et animation de groupe à l’Université de Tours.
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