Realizo un ayuno de cinco años y medio de 1973 al 78, cuando fue injustamente encarcelado y lo intentaron envenenar y luego fue absuelto, en la época del estado de emergencia de la India creado por la asesina Indira Gandhi.
Sólo tomaba agua con limón y cuajada.
La lista de proezas sobrenaturales que se cuentan de Anandamurti es tan interminable como increíble. Protagonizó muchos hechos sobrenaturales en la cárcel, donde sus discípulos fueron torturados brutalmente y otros asesinados. La elite le intentó asesinar muchas veces.
Curó del alcoholismo al doctor de la cárcel, en una curiosísima historia, haciéndole beber dos botellas de alcohol -le obligó a venir a visitarle fingiendo encontráse enfermo, estando el matasanos borracho- y un periodista que fue a entrevistarle dijo que se notaba algo raro ?místico? en su celda.
Es yogui maestro de yoguis o Yogehwar, también tántrico shivaita, el nuevo sistematizador del Tantra Yoga de Shiva.
Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, conocido como Anandamurti, un enciclopédico Gurú- filósofo bengalí (en realidad no humano) que predijo la caída del muro del Berlín, el fin de capitalismo y el comunismo, las revueltas africanas y mundiales y el desplazamiento de los Polos, mentor del famoso economista de la depresión, Ravi Batra :
“Sabemos que una Era Glacial se acerca a la tierra. Traerá un cambio completo en todas las estructuras de la tierra. Antes de la Era Glacial que se avecina habrá un cambio intelectual y un gran cambio biológico en los seres humanos y animales, en cada entidad, animada e inanimada. Percibiréis mutaciones en el orden de las estaciones, en plano psíquico, en las esferas socio-político-económicas, en la estructura biológica. Todo sufrirá una metamorfosis”.
Conversion of Energy - Demonstration by Baba

This demonstration was given by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti on 1969 in Ranchi and it is pubblished in the book Ánanda Vacanámrtam (part 33)
One day Bábá was talking about the dilemma of the sense organ. Bábá said incidentally that there are certain aquatic animals unknown even to biologists, from whose bodies some kind of light emits. With the reflection of their light, they can see other creatures and objects around them. There are also, in less deep seas, some animals that generate electric lights to catch hold of their prey.
In this context, Bábá asked one sádhaka (spiritual practitioner) whether the human body can generate electric current or not. The sádhaka having failed to give a correct reply, Bábá explained that it was quite possible. He explained that in sádhaná human vital energy is converted into spiritual energy.
One day Bábá was talking about the dilemma of the sense organ. Bábá said incidentally that there are certain aquatic animals unknown even to biologists, from whose bodies some kind of light emits. With the reflection of their light, they can see other creatures and objects around them. There are also, in less deep seas, some animals that generate electric lights to catch hold of their prey.
In this context, Bábá asked one sádhaka (spiritual practitioner) whether the human body can generate electric current or not. The sádhaka having failed to give a correct reply, Bábá explained that it was quite possible. He explained that in sádhaná human vital energy is converted into spiritual energy.
In our daily life we exhaust our vital energy and compensate the same by taking food, drink, light, air, etc. While working, vital energy is transformed into mechanical energy. The same vital energy can be transformed into electric energy also, but in that case, the body will be electrocuted and the person will die. Human vital energy can be converted into magnetic energy as well.
[The process of conversion can involve many possible effects.] In the case of conversion of vital energy into spiritual force, it does not affect the body and mind. But in the case of conversion of vital energy into magnetic energy, it does affect body, mind, etc.
Bábá told one sádhaka to take off his garments and sit on his woollen cloth without touching the ground (woollen cloth is a non-conductor). Then Bábá touched his right and left ribs and navel and told him to concentrate his mind.
After a few minutes, his palm was trembling. Then Bábá asked another sádhaka to [touch the left rib of the first sádhaka.]
The second sádhaka did so and felt an electric shock. Then three sádhakas more touched the first sádhaka’s body and felt the same kind of shock. NextBábá took the sádhaka on his lap and rubbed his sweet hand on his body, hand, etc. Next Bábá touched him on the trikut́i (between the eyebrows) and helped him to go into a trance. This time his vital energy was reconverted into spiritual energy.
1969, Ranchi
[The process of conversion can involve many possible effects.] In the case of conversion of vital energy into spiritual force, it does not affect the body and mind. But in the case of conversion of vital energy into magnetic energy, it does affect body, mind, etc.
Bábá told one sádhaka to take off his garments and sit on his woollen cloth without touching the ground (woollen cloth is a non-conductor). Then Bábá touched his right and left ribs and navel and told him to concentrate his mind.
After a few minutes, his palm was trembling. Then Bábá asked another sádhaka to [touch the left rib of the first sádhaka.]
The second sádhaka did so and felt an electric shock. Then three sádhakas more touched the first sádhaka’s body and felt the same kind of shock. NextBábá took the sádhaka on his lap and rubbed his sweet hand on his body, hand, etc. Next Bábá touched him on the trikut́i (between the eyebrows) and helped him to go into a trance. This time his vital energy was reconverted into spiritual energy.
1969, Ranchi
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